Join Us
Adopter Membership Benefits
​Adopter Membership with UALink Consortium allows your company to:
Access final specifications
Implement UALink technology within the IP protections as outlined in the Participation Agreement
​Annual dues: $3,000 (a first year sign-up fee of $2,000 is also required)
​Contributor Membership Benefits
UALink Consortium Contributor Membership provides your company with all of the benefits of the Adopter level as well as:
Opportunities to participate in the Technical Working Groups
Influence on direction of the technology
Access to intermediate specifications
Annual dues: $15,000 (a first year sign-up fee of $10,000 is also required)

“The work being done by the companies in UALink to create an open, high performance and scalable accelerator fabric is critical for the future of AI. Together, we bring extensive experience in creating large scale AI and high-performance computing solutions that are based on open-standards, efficiency and robust ecosystem support. AMD is committed to contributing our expertise, technologies and capabilities to the group as well as other open industry efforts to advance all aspects of AI technology and solidify an open AI ecosystem.”
Forrest Norrod, executive vice president and general manager, Data Center Solutions Group, AMD
Join today!
Download the UALink Membership Participation Agreement and return the completed agreement along with two (2) versions of your company logo – one web-ready version (.PNG or .JPG, 72 dpi) and one print-ready version (.EPS, .AI or .PDF, 300 dpi) to UALink Administration (admin@ualinkconsortium.org) for finalizing.
The UALink Consortium incorporated in 2024. Incorporation documents outlining the rights, privileges, and obligations of UALink Consortium Membership can be accessed here.
3855 SW 153rd Drive
Beaverton, OR 97003